Our Services
Nutrition monitoring
Experience a strong sense of wellness with our companions by your side. They always have your overall health at heart.
We understand that healthy eating is good medicine. While meal planning and preparation are certainly an important part of our services, our caregivers do more than cook delicious, nutritious meals. They keep your diet balanced and are sensitive to first signs of allergies, intolerances, illnesses, medical complications, etc.
Our caregivers monitor fluid intake and encourage you to develop healthy habits as well. Elderly individuals tend to dehydrate. Though often accidental, this can affect general health, mental clarity, communication, and mood. Drinking plenty of water and other diet-appropriate fluids can reduce “brain fog” and give you the daily boosts you need.
There are many benefits that our clients consistently see and feel. With our around-the-clock, nutritionally-minded companions, you’ll likely meet with a deeper sense of overall wellness, strengthened immunity, and reduced symptoms of depression. Feel mentally sharp and ready to enjoy each day in your own home.
You’ll notice improvement in your energy levels. And that’s just the beginning!
One on One full-time companions help clients maintain a healthy appetite, too. They’re in tune with your preferences, behaviors, and personality. We believe in socialization at meal time. You might help your caregiver prepare the day’s menu or simply enjoy conversation at the table. That eye contact, laughter, and mental stimulation can increase appetite and, of course, tighten the bond between companion and client.
Our company’s caregivers also monitor weight, proper digestion, regularity, and activity, depending on your difficulties, illnesses, medical instructions, etc. Your caregiver will be vigilant. You can feel at ease with a trained and watchful eye beside you.
We bring years of experience and passion to our careers. We monitor the signs and nutritional deficits before they become threats to your health.